Apr 19, 2018
In this episode, Andrew welcomes Petiparty to sit and discuss some formative anime from their youth, with a Canadian twist. Though, before all that they discuss Overlord getting a season 3. They also give a mini review of Pacific Rim 2 (with spoilers) and some dream hirings for the franchise as an anime. They then dive into their formative discussing some classics such as Dragonball, Digimon and many more, with diversions and tangents galore. Andrew even tells an embarrassing story and sings a few times. It's not an episode to miss.
Time Stamps:
[0h00m00s] Intro + Chats
[0h06m43s] Pacific Rim Discussion
[0h24m00s] Main Topic - Formative Anime
[1h31m57s] Outro and Info
You can follow the hosts on Twitter:
Andrew: @frigimonfanatic
You can follow the hosts on Instagram:
Petiparty: @petiparty
You can find more info on the show at
Website: http://roaajcast.libsyn.com/
E-mail: roaajcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @roaajcast
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/goattcast
We are also on iTunes/GooglePlay/Spotify, just type Recovery of An Anime Junkie or Geeking Out At The Tower Podcast in the search bar.