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Recovery of an Anime Junkie Podcast

Oct 7, 2020

Andrew and Sam catch up and talk about Rakugo Shinjuu, Carole and Tuesday, Ghibli movies and webtoons. Enjoy!

Time Stamps:
[0h00m00s] Intro 
[0h11m55s] Main Topic Part - Sam Anime Chat
[1h18m56s] Outro and Info

You can follow the hosts on Twitter/Instagram:
Andrew: @frigimonfanatic / @frigimonfanatic
Sam: @aerisceres /

Oct 2, 2020

Andrew and his friend Bcom catch up and then talk about the shows they might be watching from the Fall 2020 Anime.  Enjoy! 

Time Stamps:
[0h00m00s] Intro 
[0h06m43s] Main Topic Part - Fall 2020 Anime
[1h02m33s] Outro and Info

Don't forget to search Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime, AAA Podcast and The Anime Radicals...

Sep 16, 2020

Andrew is alone to talk about a few anime he watched over the past couple of weeks. The anime are Daiguard, Kaguya Love is War Season 2, some episodes of God of High School, Great Pretender and SNAFU 2. He also has several failed attempts to slow speech lol. 

Don't forget to search The Anime Radicals Network on...

Aug 26, 2020

Andrew has another chat with his friend Julian about life stuff and random anime stuff. They get into a deep conversation about the value of music, discuss openings and endings and OSTs. They then somehow end up on a "deep" philosophical chat about the Hedgehog's Dilemma. Enjoy! 

Time Stamps:

Aug 19, 2020

Andrew (@frigimonfanatic) did a panel at Otakuthon 2019 with his friends Kayla, Sean and Xavier on the Gundam Franchise. Where they talk about a lot of gundam in a random order and there are spoilers. Warning not the best audio quality. Enjoy!!

Time Stamps:
[0h00m00s] Intro 
[0h03m45s] Otakuthon 2019 Panel - Gundam...