Oct 7, 2020
Andrew and Sam catch up and talk about Rakugo Shinjuu, Carole and Tuesday, Ghibli movies and webtoons. Enjoy!
Time Stamps:
[0h00m00s] Intro
[0h11m55s] Main Topic Part - Sam Anime Chat
[1h18m56s] Outro and Info
You can follow the hosts on Twitter/Instagram:
Andrew: @frigimonfanatic / @frigimonfanatic
Sam: @aerisceres /
Oct 2, 2020
Andrew and his friend Bcom catch up and then talk about the shows they might be watching from the Fall 2020 Anime. Enjoy!
Time Stamps:
[0h00m00s] Intro
[0h06m43s] Main Topic Part - Fall 2020 Anime
[1h02m33s] Outro and Info
Don't forget to search Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime, AAA Podcast and The Anime Radicals...