Jun 24, 2020
Andrew celebrates the 2nd year of the podcast a little (read: very) late. In this episode, he is joined by Bcom (from the Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime Podcast) and Mandi (from the Anime Addicts Anonymous Podcast) in separate segments to discuss their last year of podcasting and anime watching, with some fun life things thrown in for good measure.
Time Stamps:
[0h00m00s] Intro
[0h09m09s] Main Topic Part - Bcom Convo
[0h28m34s] Main Topic Part - Mandi Convo
[0h51m49s] Outro and Info
Don't forget to search Nerdom and Other Nonsense Anime, AAA Podcast and The Anime Radicals Network on iTunes/Google Play/Spotify and any other podcast catcher that you use.
You can follow the hosts on Twitter/Instagram:
Andrew: @frigimonfanatic / @frigimonfanatic
Bcom: @bcom33 / @nerdomandother
Mandi: @AAA_Mandi / @aaapodcast
You can find more info on the show at
Website: http://roaajcast.com
E-mail: roaajcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @roaajcast
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/goattcast
Anime Radicals Network Information:
Website: www.animeradicals.com
E-mail: animeradicalsnetwork@gmail.com
Twitter: @animeradicals
Facebook: www.facebook.com/animeradicals/
We are also on iTunes/Google Play/Spotify/TuneIn/Stitcher, just type Recovery of An Anime Junkie Podcast or Geeking Out At The Tower Podcast or Anime Radicals in the search bar.
Episode Topics:
Podcasting, Anime, Chihayafuru, Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga,
Carole and Tuesday, Sinichiro Watanabe, Promare, Non Non
Biyori, Weathering With You, Miru Tights,
Inuyasha, My Love Story, Casshern Sins